Protect the Data at All Cost!
Recently Computer Systems Plus joined forces with a new company, Redstor! They are a UK-based company with US-based services. You may be wondering why we are partnering with a company that is so far away? We believe that, regardless of distance, we want the best of the best for our clients.

And That’s the Way the Computer Cookie Crumbles
Over the past few weeks you may have noticed we’ve been talking a bit about cookies. Not the yummy gooey chocolate kind, but computer cookies.

Scale like You’ve Never Grown Before
You hear the word “scale” talked about a lot in the business world. And to be honest it doesn’t matter how big or small your business is, you can always scale. There is always room for it, but what does scaling look like practically?

Clio: Making Lawyer’s Jobs a Little Easier
We may be just a local IT company, but we have no doubt that being a lawyer is hard work. You have so much to remember, research, ask questions about, and so much more.

Nothing Changes if Nothing Changes
It’s funny, most of the time when we talk about change, our gut instinct is to reject such an awful thought. Who wants to change? Do we really need to change things? If it’s not broken, why bother fixing something?

Lawyers Heads Aren’t Up in the Cloud, but Their Law firm Should be
Computer Systems Plus is gearing up for the 2022 KBA Law Practice Today Expo. Basically, a bunch of attorneys, judges, legal administrators that live in East Tennessee are all coming to Knoxville to learn how to better utilize technology and management best practices in the modern law office.

Sophos is just what the Doctor Ordered
As our world continues to evolve into truly a digital reality, we can only begin to imagine the possibilities.

Eject and Destroy!
Technology is ever-changing, ever-evolving. A computer 10 years ago is considered “vintage” to some companies. From 2007 – 2022 there have been over thirty-three different iPhones!

One Password to Rule them All? Better think Again.
It’s Thursday afternoon and you’re browsing the internet. You stumble on a new website, maybe it’s a clothing store, maybe it’s a new social media website.

2022 Cybersecurity Tips for Everyday
Happy New Year! It’s a new year and the same malicious actors haven’t left our sights. It’s always best to refresh easy tips and advice to improve our experience.